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On Behalf of | Sep 25, 2014 | Firm News

Two freshman forwards who had promising futures have now been suspended from the team following their arrests. The University of Missouri basketball players were each recently arrested under assault accusations. Now, they have been suspended from the team before the season even started, which is November 14.

According to the authorities, the two freshmen, along with another man, were walking on campus in Columbia when they approached an intersection of two streets. The details of the alleged assault — such as the damage done to any victims as well as how many victims were supposedly involved — are unclear. Nevertheless, the three were arrested under suspicion of third-degree assault, and they were issued a summons to go to court for the charge.

One of the freshmen had been voted Georgia’s best high school basketball player for the 2013-2014 school year. The two young men obviously had bright futures through the university’s basketball program; however, now they have been suspended indefinitely from the team as well as from team-related activities. The date of their summons to begin their criminal processes against their charge was not made publicly available.

While the details of the alleged assault remain unclear, it is clear that the arrest is having a negative impact on the two Missouri students’ futures. However, no conviction can be obtained without the presentation of sufficient evidence in court. If the prosecution is unable to present enough evidence to prove the charges beyond a reasonable doubt, then the charges against the two young men would likely be reduced or even dropped entirely. In that event, they may be able to negotiate returning to the basketball team.

Source: CBS Sports, “Report: Missouri suspends two following assault charges, arrest“, Matt Norlander, Sept. 18, 2014
