Some parents may feel that they are doing the best for their children under the conditions that they face. Unfortunately, their best may not always seem appropriate in the eyes of the law, and they could potentially face charges for child abuse or neglect. In such situations, a parent may be at risk of facing serious punishment and possibly losing custody of his or her children. However, parents can create and present a criminal defense against such accusations.
One mother in Missouri may be hoping to combat accusations of child endangerment after recently being charged. It was reported that authorities were apparently acting on another case when they came across children inside a cave. Within the cave, the children were allegedly inside a crate, and no adults were around. Reports stated that the children said they lived in the cave and that their mother lived there too.
The children were reported as being 4 and 6 years old and were covered in dirt. They were removed from the cave and taken for medical examinations. Authorities got in contact with the children’s mother, who had allegedly left them alone to find medical treatment for her boyfriend, and she reportedly said they had been living in the cave for days. As a result, the woman is currently facing charges for child endangerment.
Many individuals may not always have the resources to care for their children in the manner they would like. Unfortunately, difficulties could lead to less-than-ideal conditions, and a parent could face charges. In this case, the mother may wish to find out more about creating a criminal defense against the allegations brought against her as well as information on Missouri court proceedings relating to her case that may prove beneficial.
Source:, “Missouri woman faces charges after children found alone in cave“, Sam Atwell, Sept. 12, 2015