Facing criminal allegations involving controlled substances in Missouri is serious and can be very stressful. There are certain things to remember if you have been arrested for possession of drugs or other offenses. The most important is that you have personal rights.
Penalties under conviction for drug offenses in the state are quite severe. It is possible for one who is convicted to be sentenced to an extended time in prison. Substantial monetary fines and asset forfeitures are also potential repercussions under the law.
It is advisable for someone in such circumstances to place himself or herself under the guidance of an experienced criminal defense lawyer. Attorney Gregory N. Smith represents those facing state or federal drug charges of all types. From the time of your arrest and throughout the entire legal process, he can fight to protect your rights by speaking and acting on your behalf. As an experienced juvenile defender, Mr. Smith is also well prepared to assist parents whose child’s future may be at stake due to drug accusations against him or her.
Relying on seasoned investigative skills, Attorney Smith is prepared to examine the details of your situation, making certain that no law enforcement agent has violated any of your Constitutional rights with regard to any search or seizure that may have taken place. By calling The Law Office of Gregory N. Smith in Missouri and requesting a consultation, you can expect to receive the information and guidance you need to make informed choices as you face charges for possession of drugs in court.