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On Behalf of | Jun 21, 2016 | Firm News

There are any number of reasons that a police officer in Missouri might attempt to pull over a motorist. During such situations, an officer might, at some point, ask the driver to exit the vehicle. Even if a motorist is charged with traffic violations, a police officer must adhere to protocol and regulations that protect the person’s constitutional rights at all times.

Approximately two years ago, an incident took place that resulted in a policeman pleading guilty in court and facing up to 10 years behind bars for his treatment of a teenager during a traffic stop. Regardless of the reason an officer has pulled over a vehicle, unnecessary roughness or physical abuse is never appropriate. The altercation between the teen in this situation and the officer that pulled him over began when the boy allegedly had to be asked several times to come out of the vehicle.

The officer used a Taser on him. The video dash-cam in the patrol car apparently captured events as they unfolded. In the video, the officer is then seen dragging the minor across the pavement and throwing him toward the ground on his face.

Reportedly, the officer had held the trigger down on the Taser for a length of time equivalent to firing the apparatus four times. The teen suffered oxygen deprivation and went into cardiac arrest at the scene. The incident resulted in brain damage to the young motorist. Anyone in Missouri charged with traffic violations or other violations who believes that a law enforcement agent has violated his or her rights may address the situation through guidance with a criminal defense attorney.

Source:, “Independence, Missouri: Cop Tasered Teen During Traffic Stop, Dash-Cam Video Released“, Mary Roppelt, June 9, 2016
