A 33-year-old man in Missouri who authorities say has prior convictions on his criminal record has been placed under police arrest again. He has been accused of committing a sexual assault against a woman at approximately 10:30 p.m. in a parking lot. The incident occurred in 2015.
On a recent Thursday, police charged the man with the sexual crime. He is accused of ambushing a woman who was reportedly exiting her vehicle in a parking area. He is alleged to have caught her by surprise, then attacked her.
Apparently, the woman went to the hospital and various tests were performed on her. Results appear to suggest that the man’s DNA was found on the woman’s body. The man has sex crime-related convictions in Missouri and another state.
At last report, he was being held behind bars on a cash-only bond of $25,000. The sexual assault felony with which he is charged carries a penalty of up to 10 years in prison, if convicted. However, just because someone has a prior criminal history does not mean another conviction will automatically be handed down in court. Any person charged with a sex crime can retain experienced guidance to help aggressively fight those accusations in court. An attorney can begin the process by thoroughly investigating the events that took place leading up to and following an arrest in order to identify factual and/or legal issues to address in court, and to gather evidence that may help combat any strategies or tactics set forth by the prosecution.
Source: qctimes.com, “Sex offender charged with sexual assault“, Tara Becker, July 22, 201