The Law Office of Gregory N. Smith


The Knowledge And Experience
To Protect Your Rights And Your Future.


On Behalf of | Nov 20, 2019 | Firm News

When a person is accused of a crime, it may be easy to immediately assume his or her guilt. However, in all cases, a person is presumed innocent unless and until sufficient evidence is provided in court to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Unfortunately, those who face criminal charges may be unaware of their legal options. In fact, a Missouri woman recently indicted on fraud charges is likely considering how to respond to the allegations.

The case involves a 32-year-old woman. She reportedly served as the treasurer of a community in Missouri. Authorities claim that the woman stole approximately $400,000 from the city from Nov. 2015 to Oct. 2018. They say she did this by writing herself 90 checks that she deposited in her personal banking account in addition to writing checks to businesses and wiring money. The money, according to authorities, was used to pay for personal purchases, such as clothing and car payments.

In addition to the money she is accused of taking from the city, she is also accused of taking money from a charity for the hearing impaired of which she served as the secretary. She reportedly submitted applications for grants for family members and friends that she claimed were hearing impaired and falsified hearing evaluations to support these claims. She and her family members and friends reportedly split the approximately $150,000 they received in grant money; however, it is unclear if charges are anticipated against these alleged accomplices.

As a result of the allegations against the Missouri woman, she is facing four mail fraud charges and four wire fraud charges. While anyone facing criminal charges without legal training may find the process intimidating, accusations of white collar crimes can sometimes be especially complicated. Fortunately, there are professionals with experience with criminal defense who can guide the woman through the process, ensuring that she is fully prepared to make informed decisions.
